Exploring Metal Roofing Types: A Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners

When it comes to roofing options for your home, metal roofs offer a durable, cost-effective, and versatile choice. Metal roofing types come in a range of styles and materials, making it easy to find an option that matches your budget and aesthetic preferences. Additionally, metal roofs require minimal maintenance and can last for decades, providing long-term savings.

Before deciding on a metal roofing type, homeowners should consider the various factors, such as climate, style, and budget. Fortunately, this guide will provide an in-depth exploration of different metal roofing types to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Metal roofing offers durability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility for homeowners
  • There are a variety of metal roofing types available to match budget and aesthetic preferences
  • Metal roofs require minimal maintenance and can last for decades
  • Homeowners should consider factors such as climate, style, and budget before selecting a metal roofing type
  • This guide provides a comprehensive exploration of different metal roofing types to help make an informed decision

An example of one of the many metal roofing types


Understanding the Advantages of Metal Roofing

Metal roofs for homes are becoming increasingly popular due to their numerous advantages. Residential metal roofing offers several benefits over traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles and clay tiles. In this section, we will explore the advantages of metal roofing homes and why they are an excellent investment for homeowners, particularly when considering the various metal roofing types available.


Metal roofing for homes is incredibly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain, and hailstorms. One of the key aspects of this durability is the variety of metal roofing types, each offering unique strengths and longevity. Metal roofs have a long lifespan, typically lasting between 40 to 70 years, depending on the material and maintenance. This longevity means homeowners can avoid the costly and time-consuming process of roof replacement every few decades, making metal roofing a wise investment.

Energy Efficiency

Metal roofs for homes are also energy-efficient, reflecting sunlight and reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the roof. This reflective property can help homeowners save on cooling costs during the summer months. Residential metal roofing can also be installed with insulation, further enhancing energy efficiency in homes. The energy efficiency varies among different metal roofing types, allowing homeowners to choose the best option for their specific needs.

Long-term Cost Savings

Despite the higher initial cost of metal roofs for homes, the long-term cost savings are significant. As mentioned, metal roofs have longer lifespans, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacement. Additionally, metal roofing homes are energy-efficient, resulting in lower energy bills over time. These cost savings make metal roofing a sound investment for homeowners who want to save money in the long run, especially when they select the most suitable type from the various metal roofing types.

“Metal roofing is an excellent choice for homeowners who want a durable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective roofing solution, with a range of metal roofing types to choose from.”

With these advantages in mind, it’s no surprise that more and more homeowners are choosing metal roofs for their homes. In the next section, we’ll explore the different types of metal roofing available for residential properties.

Exploring Different Metal Roofing Types

Metal roofing offers homeowners a range of benefits, including durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. But with so many metal roofing types available, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your home. In this section, we’ll explore the different metal roofing types and their unique features and characteristics.

Standing Seam Metal Roofing

Standing seam metal roofing is one of the most popular metal roofing types for residential properties. It features panels with vertical seams that stand up and attach to the roof deck. This type of metal roofing is durable and offers excellent protection against the elements, making it ideal for homes in areas with harsh weather conditions. It’s also energy-efficient and can help lower energy bills by reflecting sunlight and reducing heat transfer.

Corrugated Metal Roofing

Corrugated metal roofing is a classic among metal roofing types that features wavy panels. It’s commonly used on commercial buildings but can also be a great option for residential properties. Corrugated metal roofing is highly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions. It’s also lightweight and easy to install, making it a cost-effective roofing option.

Metal Shingle Roofing

Metal shingle roofing is an excellent choice for homeowners who want the look of traditional shingles but with the added benefits of metal roofing. Among the various metal roofing types, metal shingles come in a range of styles and colors, making it easy to find an option that matches your home’s aesthetic. They also offer excellent durability and can last up to 50 years with proper care and maintenance.

Type of Metal Roofing Durability Energy Efficiency Curb Appeal
Standing Seam Metal Roofing High High Modern and sleek
Corrugated Metal Roofing Very High High Rustic and industrial
Metal Shingle Roofing High High Traditional and classic

As you can see from the table above, each type of metal roofing has its own strengths and can be a great option depending on your specific needs. Consider factors such as durability, energy efficiency, and curb appeal when choosing the right type of metal roofing for your home.

An example of one of the many metal roofing types

Stylish Metal Roofing Options for Your Home

If you are considering a metal roof for your home, you may be surprised by the variety of metal roofing types available. Metal roofs not only offer durability and energy efficiency, but they can also enhance the curb appeal of your home.

Metal Shingles

Among the different metal roofing types, metal shingles are a popular option for homeowners who want the traditional look of asphalt or wood shingles but with the benefits of metal roofing. These shingles come in a range of colors and styles to match any home design. They are also lightweight and easy to install.

Standing Seam

Standing seam metal roofs, a modern and sleek design choice among metal roofing types, feature vertical panels and hidden fasteners for a seamless look. They come in a variety of colors and can be made from different materials, including steel and aluminum.

Corrugated Metal

Corrugated metal roofs are a classic option within the metal roofing types that can give your home a rustic or industrial feel. They are made of rippled metal panels and are available in various gauges and colors. Corrugated metal roofs also offer excellent durability and weather resistance.

Vertical Panels

Metal roofs with vertical panels are a versatile option among metal roofing types that can be customized to fit any home. They come in a range of materials, such as steel, aluminum, and copper, and can be shaped and colored to match your desired aesthetic. Vertical panels also offer excellent weather resistance and energy efficiency.

Flat Seam

Flat seam metal roofs, a unique design choice in the realm of metal roofing types, feature flat metal panels that are joined together with a soldered seam. They come in a variety of materials, including copper and zinc, and are popular for their sleek and modern look. Flat seam metal roofs are also durable and long-lasting.

Metal Tiles

Metal tiles, a decorative option among metal roofing types, can give your home a Mediterranean or Spanish-style look. They come in a range of colors and styles and can be made from materials such as steel and aluminum. Metal tiles are also lightweight and easy to install.

As you can see, metal roofing offers a range of stylish options for homeowners. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern look, there is a metal roofing style that will suit your needs.

An example of one of the many metal roofing types

Comparing Metal Roofing Materials

Metal roofing has become a popular choice for homeowners due to its durability and longevity. However, when it comes to choosing the right material for your metal roof, there are several options to consider. In this section, we will compare the different metal roofing material typestypes of metal roofing panelsmetal roofing options, and metal roofing patterns to help you make an informed decision.


Steel is one of the most common metal roofing materials used for both residential and commercial properties. It is readily available, cost-effective, and durable. There are two types of steel used in metal roofing: galvanized and galvalume. Galvanized steel is coated with a layer of zinc to protect it from corrosion, while galvalume steel is coated with a combination of aluminum and zinc.

Steel roofing panels come in a variety of patterns, including corrugated, standing seam, and ribbed. Corrugated panels are the most popular, offering a classic look and increased water shedding capabilities. Standing seam panels are another popular choice, providing a sleek and modern appearance. Ribbed panels are less common, but can offer a unique texture to the roof.


Aluminum is another popular metal roofing material, known for its lightweight and corrosion resistance. It is a great choice for areas with high humidity or coastal regions. Aluminum roofing panels come in various styles, including standing seam and corrugated. They are also available in a range of colors to match any home’s exterior.


Copper is a premium metal roofing material that is highly corrosion-resistant and offers a unique and elegant appearance. However, it is also the most expensive metal roofing material. Copper roofing panels come in various styles, including standing seam and shingles, and will develop a natural patina over time, adding character to the roof.

Comparing Metal Roofing Materials

Metal Roofing Material Pros Cons
Steel Durable, cost-effective, and readily available Prone to rust and corrosion without proper coating
Aluminum Lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and available in various colors More expensive than steel and less durable than copper
Copper Highly corrosion-resistant, unique and elegant appearance, and develops a natural patina over time The most expensive metal roofing material and prone to denting

When choosing a metal roofing material, it’s essential to consider factors such as climate, budget, and style. Steel is a great option for those on a budget, while aluminum offers increased corrosion resistance. Copper is perfect for those looking for a premium and unique appearance.

An example of one of the many metal roofing types

Durability and Longevity of Metal Roofs

Metal roofing has become increasingly popular for residential homes due to its unmatched durability and longevity compared to traditional roofing materials. Metal roofing is a great investment for homeowners who want a long-lasting and low-maintenance roofing option for their houses.

Metal Roofing on Houses

Metal roofs on houses provide superior resistance to harsh weather conditions such as high winds, hailstorms, and heavy rains. Metal roofs can withstand wind speeds of up to 140 miles per hour and are extremely impact-resistant, making them a great choice for homeowners who live in areas with severe weather conditions.

Metal Roofing Home

Among various roofing options, metal roofing is an excellent choice for homeowners who want a roofing material that requires low maintenance and repairs. Metal roofs are known to last for 50 years or more without requiring any significant repairs or maintenance, making them a great investment for homeowners who want to increase the lifespan of their roofs.

Metal Residential Roof

A metal residential roof is a great choice for homeowners who want a roofing material that is resistant to fire and can withstand extreme weather conditions. Metal roofing materials are non-combustible and provide superior fire resistance compared to traditional roofing materials such as wood shingles and asphalt shingles.

Metal Roofs on Houses

All metal roofs are an excellent choice for homeowners who want a long-lasting, low-maintenance, and environmentally-friendly roofing material. Metal roofs can be made from various types of metals such as aluminum, steel, and copper, all of which are 100% recyclable and contribute to sustainable living.

Understanding the Cost of Metal Roofing

When considering metal roofing types for your house, it’s essential to understand the cost implications. While metal roofing is generally more expensive than traditional roofing materials, it typically offers long-term cost savings due to its durability and energy efficiency.

The cost of a metal roof for a house varies depending on several factors, including the type of metal used, the size of the roof, and the complexity of the design. On average, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $5 to $12 per square foot for a metal roof installation.

While the initial investment may be higher than other roofing materials, metal roofing offers several benefits that can make it a cost-effective option over time. One of the primary advantages of metal roofing is its longevity. Metal roofs can last up to 70 years or more, whereas traditional asphalt shingle roofs typically last around 20 years.

Metal roofs are also energy-efficient, with reflective coatings that can help lower energy costs by reducing heat absorption. Additionally, metal roofs are low-maintenance, requiring fewer repairs and replacements over time, which can save homeowners money in the long run.

When comparing metal roofing types for residential properties, it’s important to consider the roof’s lifetime cost, including the initial installation cost and ongoing maintenance and repairs. While metal roofs may have a higher upfront cost, their long-term durability and energy efficiency can make them a wise investment for homeowners.

An example of one of the many metal roofing types

Expert Installation of Metal Roofing

When installing a metal roof for a house, it’s crucial to select a roofing contractor with experience and expertise in handling metal roofing. Choosing the right contractor for the job can make all the difference in the installation process and the longevity of your metal roof.

At Hahn Roofing, we specialize in the installation of metal roofs for residential homes. Our team has years of experience working with steel roofs for homes, and we understand the unique challenges and considerations that go into metal roofing installation.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Roofing Contractor

When choosing a roofing contractor for metal roof installation, the following factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Experience with metal roofing for houses
  • Knowledge of local building codes and permits
  • Quality of materials used
  • Warranty offered on labor and materials
  • Certifications and licenses

At Hahn Roofing, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Our team is certified and licensed to install all types of metal roofing, and we use only high-quality materials from trusted suppliers. We offer a 10-year warranty on labor and materials for all of our metal roof installations.

Why Choose Hahn Roofing for Your Metal Roof Installation?

With years of experience and a dedication to customer satisfaction, Hahn Roofing is the premier choice for metal roof installation for residential homes. Our team of experts has the knowledge and expertise to handle any metal roofing project, from steel roofs for homes to all other types of residential metal roofs.

When you choose Hahn Roofing for your metal roof installation, you can trust that you are getting the highest quality workmanship and materials. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their metal roof installation meets their unique needs and specifications, and we pride ourselves on exceeding expectations with every project.

Maintenance and Care for Residential Metal Roofing Systems

While metal roofing is durable and low-maintenance, it’s essential to take proper care of your residential metal roofing to ensure its longevity. Here are some tips to keep your metal roof functioning optimally:

  • Regular inspections: Conducting regular inspections of your metal roof can help identify any issues or damage before they become significant problems. Inspect your roof before and after significant weather events, such as heavy rain or snow, to ensure there is no damage.
  • Cleaning: Dirt and debris can accumulate on your metal roof over time, leading to discoloration and potential damage. Use a soft-bristled brush or a pressure washer with a low setting to gently remove debris and keep your roof clean.
  • Addressing minor repairs: If you notice any small issues, such as loose screws or small dents, it’s best to address them immediately. Ignoring small issues can lead to more significant problems down the road.

Also, hiring a professional roofing company for any major repairs or maintenance tasks is essential. Hahn Roofing offers expert maintenance and repair services for residential metal roofing systems, including inspections, cleaning, and repairs.

“Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and durability of residential metal roofing systems.”

Environmental Benefits of Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is not only a practical and stylish choice for homeowners, but it also offers numerous environmental benefits. Here are some of the ways that metal roofing can be a sustainable option for your home:

  • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs can reflect up to 70% of the sun’s energy, reducing the amount of heat transferred into your home. This lowered heat absorption means less work for your cooling system and lower energy bills.
  • Recyclability: Metal roofs are made of recycled materials, and they are 100% recyclable at the end of their lifespan. This means that the materials used to create the roof can be repurposed rather than ending up in a landfill.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: The energy efficiency of metal roofs reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emitted from your home, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint. Additionally, the recyclability of the materials used in metal roofing types means less energy is required to produce new materials.

Choosing a metal roof for your home is an eco-friendly option, and it can also lead to cost savings on your energy bills. Additionally, metal roofing is a durable and long-lasting option that will need to be replaced less frequently than other roofing materials, reducing waste further.

An example of one of the many metal roofing types

Choosing the Best Metal Roofing Type for Your Home

When it comes to choosing the best metal roofing type for your home, there are several factors to consider. From climate to style to budget, selecting the right metal roof can enhance the durability, efficiency, and aesthetic value of your home. Here we will explore some of the best metal roofing types, popular options, designs, and other considerations to help you make an informed decision.

  • Standing Seam Metal Roofs: Standing seam metal roofs are popular due to their sleek and modern design. They consist of interlocking panels that run vertically along the roof’s slope. This type of metal roofing is highly durable and provides excellent resistance to wind, rain, and other environmental damage. It also requires low maintenance and provides a long lifespan. Standing seam metal roofs can be made of different materials such as steel, aluminum, and copper, each with its own advantages and prices.
  • Copper Metal Roofs: Copper metal roofs are known for their distinctive appearance and unique patina that develops over time. They offer excellent durability and resistance to extreme weather conditions, making them ideal for homes located in harsh climates. Copper is more expensive than other metal roofing types, but it is a worthwhile investment due to its longevity and timeless appeal.
  • Metal Shingle Roofs: Metal shingle roofs are a popular choice for homeowners who want the appearance of traditional asphalt shingle roofs but with the added benefits of metal. They are made of interlocking metal shingles that are designed to resemble the appearance of traditional shingles. Metal shingle roofs come in a wide range of design options, including different colors and styles, to complement any home.
  • Corrugated Metal Roofs: Corrugated metal roofs are an affordable and lightweight option that is commonly used in commercial and industrial settings. However, corrugated metal roofing has become increasingly popular among homeowners due to its cost-effectiveness and durability. The corrugated design provides extra strength and durability, making it ideal for areas with high winds or heavy snowfall.

Considerations When Choosing Between Metal Roofing Types

  • Climate: Consider your area’s climate and choose a metal roofing type that can withstand the weather conditions.
  • Style: Choose a metal roofing type that complements the style of your home.
  • Budget: Different metal roofing types have varying prices, so choose one that fits in your budget.
  • Curb Appeal: Metal roofing can enhance your home’s curb appeal, so choose a type and design that will increase your property’s value and aesthetic appeal.

Choosing the best metal roofing type for your home can be complicated. But with the right information and guidance, you can make an informed decision that will enhance the durability, efficiency, and beauty of your home. Contact Hahn Roofing in Sedona, Arizona, for expert advice and installation of the best metal roofing types for your home.


As we’ve explored in this comprehensive guide, metal roofing has numerous benefits for homeowners. From durability and energy efficiency to a variety of styles and designs, metal roofs offer versatility and long-term cost savings.

When choosing a metal roofing type for your home, it’s essential to consider factors such as climate, budget, and aesthetic preferences. Consulting with a professional roofing contractor, such as Hahn Roofing in Sedona, Arizona, can ensure expert installation and a roof that will last for decades.

Maintaining and caring for your metal roof is also crucial to its longevity. Regular inspections, cleaning, and addressing minor repairs can help prevent more significant issues and ensure your roof remains in top shape.

Also, metal roofing can have environmental benefits, such as reducing your home’s carbon footprint and increasing energy efficiency.

In conclusion, metal roofing provides homeowners with a durable, energy-efficient, and stylish roofing option that can last for decades. By considering the different types of metal roofing available and consulting with a professional contractor, you can select the best option for your home and enjoy the benefits for years to come.


What are the benefits of metal roofing?

Metal roofing offers several benefits, including durability, energy efficiency, and long-term cost savings. It is resistant to elements such as fire, wind, and hail, making it a robust choice for various climates. Additionally, the variety of metal roofing types available allows for flexibility in design and application.

What are the different types of metal roofing?

There are various metal roofing types available, each with unique features and characteristics. These include standing seam, corrugated metal, and metal shingles. Each type offers different benefits in terms of aesthetics, durability, and suitability for specific environments.

How can metal roofing enhance the curb appeal of a home?

Metal roofing, with its diverse range of styles and designs, can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic and curb appeal of a home. The different metal roofing types available can complement any architectural style, from traditional to contemporary.

What materials are used in metal roofing?

Metal roofing can be made from several materials, including steel, aluminum, and copper. Each material has its own pros and cons and is suitable for different climates and applications. The choice of material is an important consideration when selecting metal roofing types for a home.

How long do metal roofs typically last?

Metal roofs are known for their exceptional durability and longevity. They generally have a longer lifespan compared to other roofing materials, with some metal roofing types lasting up to 50 years or more.

What are the cost considerations of installing a metal roof?

The cost of installing a metal roof includes the initial investment, ongoing maintenance, and potential long-term savings. The cost can vary significantly depending on the chosen metal roofing types, with some materials and designs being more expensive than others.

Why is professional installation important for metal roofs?

Professional installation is crucial for ensuring that the metal roof is properly installed and can provide the maximum benefits in terms of durability and performance. Different metal roofing types may require specific installation techniques, making it important to choose a reputable roofing contractor.

How should I maintain and care for a metal roof?

Maintaining a metal roof involves regular inspections, cleaning, and addressing minor repairs as needed. Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of different metal roofing types and preserving their aesthetic appeal.

What are the environmental benefits of metal roofing?

Metal roofing is energy-efficient, recyclable, and helps reduce a home’s carbon footprint. These environmental benefits make metal roofing types a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.

How do I choose the best metal roofing type for my home?

When selecting the best metal roofing type for your home, consider factors such as climate, style, and budget. Choosing a type that meets your needs and complements your home’s overall design is important. Consulting with a professional can help make an informed decision among the various metal roofing types available.